SARS Tax Returns Submission

Once a company is registered, it must register for and declare various taxes by submitting Tax Returns on a monthly, bi-monthly, or annual basis. To avoid over- or under-taxation, declarations must be correctly completed and filed on time.

When do I have to submit my tax returns?

VAT (VAT201)
Businesses with a turnover of over R1 million must register and file VAT returns every two months.

Pay-As-You-Earn (EMP201)
Employers who are registered with SARS for PAYE must also register for and pay over Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Skills Development Levy (SDL) contributions. Monthly PAYE returns are required.

Provisional Tax (IRP6)
Incorporated companies are automatically registered for Provisional Tax. All small business owners who earn income other than a salary must register for Provisional Tax. You must file an IRP6 twice a year and pay your provisional tax.

Company Income Tax (ITR14)
Once registered, companies must file an annual Company Income Tax Return (ITR14). An ITR14 is required once a year at the end of the fiscal year. The company has 12 months to file the ITR14.