SA Corporate Registrations

Corporate Governance Audit Services – South Africa

We appreciate that it can be difficult for busy directors who are focusing on the running of their business to keep up-to-date with their more onerous obligations. We therefore offer the benefit of our experience and expertise in the company secretarial field to undertake a wide ranging audit of compliance matters for your company.

The audit will be tailored to your business and its size and will be appropriate for all companies from those with shares listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange to smaller private companies with a single member and Director.


As part of the audit process we will visit your offices and review compliance with the Companies Act 2008 on matters including but not limited to your company’s:

  • Memorandum and Articles of Association and the conversion to the new Memorandum of Incorporation
  • Compilation of Board Committee charters
  • Statutory registers (such as the register of members and register of directors and secretaries etc)
  • Minute keeping
  • Statutory filing’s
  • Share ownership
  • Register of Directors interest in contracts


The audit also covers matters of corporate governance including the manner in which the company deals with risk, the frequency of board meetings, the role of Non-Executive directors and the roles of any board committees.

Following our visit, we will prepare a report highlighting compliance aspects which require immediate attention as well as those which should be considered as a matter of best practice.