Submit your Annual Return to CIPC Step 1 of 5 20% All Companies (including external companies) NPC’s and Close Corporations are required by law to lodge their annual returns with the CIPC within a certain period of time every year. An annual return is a statutory return in terms of the Companies and Close Corporations Acts and therefore MUST be complied with. Failure to do so will result in the Commission assuming that the Company and/or Close Corporation is not doing business or is not intending on doing business in the near future. Non-compliance with annual returns may lead to deregistration, which has the effect that the juristic personality is withdrawn and the Company or Close Corporation ceases to exist. Companies have 30 business days from the due date to lodge annual returns before it is in non-compliance with the Companies Act. Annual returns can only be filed electronically and the CIPC requires that either the Annual Financial Statements or the Financial Accountability Supplement (CoR30.2) be submitted. Processing time The CIPC Annual return is filed annually, one day after the date of incorporation of the enterprise. Our office will submit the Annual return within the prescribed time, if the entity has not been deregistered and after receiving payment from you. Costs Our fees for submitting the Annual Return and the Annual Financial Statements/Financial Accountability Supplement is R950.00, excluding VAT and the CIPC Fees. Costs payable to the CIPC Our fee for submitting the Annual Return and the Annual Financial Statements/Financial Accountability Supplement is R950.00, (excluding VAT and the CIPC Fees). Company - CIPC Annual Turnover costs CIPC Fee Per Annum Penalties for late filing Less than R1 million R100 R50 R1 million but less than R10 million R450 R150 R10 million but less than R25 million R2000 R500 R25 million or more R3000 R1000 Close Corporation – CIPC Annual Turnover costs CIPC Fee Per Annum Penalty for late filing Between 0 to R50 million R100 R150 per year R50 million and above R4000       “ Restoration Application R200 Deregistration of your entity Should you have failed to pay your CIPC annual return in the past, the CIPC may have deregistered your entity. Should this have occurred, our office will be required to restore the entity and this process will include the following: Preparing relevant documents for signatures; Applying for a Letter of Authority from the Department of Public Works; Applying for the newspaper ad to be placed; Submitting COR40.5 and supporting documents to the CIPC for processing; Annual return lodgement fee for all outstanding years (normally R 950.00 per year). Our fees for attending to the restoration of the entity will be R 3 800.00 and it shall exclude the following disbursement costs: ±R 600 – R 700 –Fee for the newspaper advertisement; R 200.00 – Fee CoR 40.5; R 160.00 – Fee Multiple deed search and enterprise search; CIPC annual return fees and penalties. Filing of audited Annual Financial Statements or Financial Accountability Supplements The CIPC published a Notice on 12 October 2016 informing all entities of their filing obligations. All Public Companies or entities that are required to have a mandatory financial audit are required to submit their audited Annual Financial Statements with their annual return. All entities that are not required to file their annual financial statements must file a financial accountability supplement to its annual return. Our office will complete the form CoR 30.2 and submit with the Annual return. Name of entity: Is the entity a public, (Pty) Ltd or Close CorporationPRIVATE COMPANYPublic(Pty) LtdClose CorporationRegistration number of entity: Name of individual completing this information: Email address: Telephone number: Please provide the following information if you are not providing our office with the Annual Financial Statements. Name and Identity number of person responsible for recording day to day financial transactions and maintaining financial records: Name: Identity number: Name and Identity number/registration number of person responsible for compiling financial information and preparing reports or statements:Name: ID/Reg number: Name and Identity number/registration number of person who provides advice to the Company concerning the maintenance of financial records:Name: ID/Reg number: Name, recognised profession and practice number of person performing the Independent review of the Annual Financial Statements, if applicable (If you do not know the practice number….please insert N/A)Name: Practice number: The Company maintains its financial records: Manually in paper records, or Electronically on a computer based system The Company prepares bank reconciliations, balance sheets and income and expense statements: Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually If the company deals in goods, when does it carry out stocktaking: (Insert date) MM slash DD slash YYYY Does the Company hold any assets in a fiduciary capacity for persons not related to the Company as contemplated in Regulation 28(2)(b): We hereby confirm that the abovementioned information is correct and authorise Kilgetty Statutory Services (Pty) Ltd to submit and sign the CoR 30.2 (Financial Accountability Supplement) and forward to the CIPC on our behalf. 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